The blog may seem a little out of place as the exams are already over but had to control the creativity burst so that i can survive the onslaught.
End Semesters,an eventful period. to say the least . a perfect material for a bollywood masala with all da ingredients: the emotion, the drama ,the tragedy, the comedy etc. all it lacks is the action part and it can also become a part of it in case you are really of the type who believe in taking chances and your invigilator sucks. in fact they are a COMPLETE PACKAGE.
The whole story starts the day the lead protagonist i.e. the student part of us becomes aware of the dates of the semester exams. “ Crap !!! still to early to give a damn , let me keep enjoying the way I was “ is the usual thought that follows , at least for the most of us, there are exceptions though(read dedicated ECians and like minded people from each branches). So most people give a loose thought and return to their usual chores and the process loops and loops till someone notifies us(usually the member of the studious bunch) “ I just finished this unit of this subject. What is your status??”
The question strikes home like a lightening bolt and suddenly the conscience returns. So now its time for the planning phase, the subject, the units are analyzed with the precision of a surgeon and appropriate plans are ready. So we are now ready to phase the inevitable disaster(?)
As procrastination is the most common problem of most of us, the student clan( save a few), the plans never materialize and in fact the day the plans are drawn is the only day most of us refer to them. Pardon the presumption , entirely based on personal experience.[:)]. So after numerous “ will start studying from tomorrow pakka” type of self satisfying statements we usually end up in a messed up state which requires immediate attention. So now the sleeping giant gets out of the slumber and PLANS the series of action to be taken.
So another bunch of plans results , albeit much more ambitious. So the plans are there, the state is “CAN’t AFFORD TO LOSE A DAY” all this results in the slow and painful process of getting the dust off those books, searching through every nook and corner for non existent notes that may come in handy and related materials. So slowly and steadily most of us start working (some may relate to the SLOW part and some may relate to the STEADY part, your choice!!!) and something starts taking shape although it’s a highly distorted version as compared to the requirements.
The process really brings out radical transformations in people. Consider this, even the most devout follower of punk rock and Pink Floyd start listening to HEY RAM(JAGJIT SINGH) with all heart and soul. The topics of fights changes from “ which movie to see” to “ which solution is more likely to be correct” or “ which question is expected” etc. usually a stage of regret follows too with an occasional pledge to never end up in the same situation , I call it the “not in next semester dilemma”.
Somehow or rather say anyhow the D day arrives.
Lets keep the rest for the next blog..
The D day follows…
Adios readers(are there any???)
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Tushar Sharma
one of ur better posts..quite n apt description tho..cudn't agree more..keep dese creativity bursts on da road wid da fuel tanker loaded to da hilt...bonjour !!!
What a way to describe the plight of students!!! But then is procrastination the only reason? Well...I beg to differ. The curicullum is also to be blamed for stresses only on rote learning...To say the least, the subjects are as boring as boring could be...last minute studies is the only option!
What a way to describe the plight of students!!! But then is procrastination the only reason? Well...I beg to differ. The curicullum is also to be blamed for stresses only on rote learning...To say the least, the subjects are as boring as boring could be...last minute studies is the only option!
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