
The world is not what it used to be a decade from now. The pet toys of only the filthy rich once , i.e. th telephone , the cell phone , the computers, have become a way of life with changing times. With all these we are thrown toward the proverbial paradox of 24x7 connectivity.
Connectivity with changing times has donned a totally different costume. All it means today is your telephone no. , your email id , your fax no and all that. So lost in all these technical gibberish is the real thing " THE TOUCH HUMANE".
Although there are numerous examples every where (just look round the corner) but the one I would quote is what happens within my sphere. There used to be a time when there was no internet ( means in our rooms) and the night was the jewel in our ordinary life. The chats used to ate up the night, the laughter used to fill the emptiness of the night and sheer entertainment value used to make it one event every one looked forward too. But then came the big bad " Connectivity Tsunami" and suddenly we were all CONNECTED.
And zap there was no more chats(there is a few exception), no more laughter and no more " friends galore " nights. All that was left was those blokes staring into the computer screen trying to find someone they can connect to, someone they can chat with, find someone they can be comfortable with. Ironical , ain't it ???
In fact the only reason i am writing this is because I couldn't find a computer to be online. Maybe we all are bored of the old routine or maybe we are dumbstruck......sorry time over folks ..........
there is a free laptop let me CONNECT to the world!!!!!


Well...to a certain extent I do agree with u. Although we claim to be connected with the world but are unaware of things going around the very next door. Nevertheless the galore of facilities these means provide can't be undermined. The very concept of blogging is a feature of this connectivity wave. What we need to do is strike a balance n don't let ourselves dragged in this TSUNAMI !!!
Easier said than done...but we have no option either.

