B.S. (wondering what this B.S. is??? well its my own version of the P.S. thing Before Script. He He)
I know it is quite late to be writing anything about the famous potter series. But nevertheless when you have to say something just say it.
I always doubted the capabilities of the boy wizard to capture my imagination to have my nod of approval as the stuff I usually read are the thrillers. With their “taking over the world plans”, slick action, cool gizmos (satellite imaging, GPS, super secret facilities, spy gadgets to name a few), powerful heroes and even more powerful villains and not to forget weapons of mass destruction.
But I was grossly underestimating Harry……
The first two books gave me ample idea why this potter thing is a huge phenomenon worldwide. Got an idea why lunatics are willing line up in front of the stores so that they can have their copy as soon as possible and most importantly why Ms. Rowling is the only billionaire author in the world.
And as my own potter expert (ragho) says “it’s just the beginning” and if he is right (as he mostly is when he talks about books and literary stuff) I can only drool at the idea of prospective treat coming my way.
Now saying any thing for the books will be like the saying in hindi “suraj ko diya dikhana”. So I won’t wander there. Just to give you an idea of how they had me in a trance, consider two snippets.
1. I BROUGHT THEM (some of em ) and that too from my secret personal funds which I was saving for my tennis racket. And that is a big thing considering the miser I am especially when it comes to buying books (as I think they are useless after one reading so why to spend a fortune on em) kanjoos..well that’s me.
2. Even after spending my fortune on the books (which means that I will have to settle for a PRINCE rather than a WlLSON) some problems affected their timely delivery to me. Anxious, excited and hungry for the sequel (thank god I started reading them after all are readily available. Just imagine waiting for a year to get the next one) waiting was too painful a game for me so I summoned up my faithful servant (my laptop) he said “Master I have the eBooks you can read them. All you need is software named MICROSOFT READER” but with my CD drive gone awry the only option was to download it. And I had to download it over a dial up connection (slow as hell if you ever tried) took 2 hours with the snail like pace (I miss my broadband connection 256 vs. 2.6 blah!!!!). But finally had them both. Started straightaway with the head firmly stuck in the laptop screen(with the seriousness that made Ma think that probably I am busy with something important. With an occasional “Arre chuttiyon main kyun itna padh raha hai” thrown my way too!!!!!) by evening it was finished but even more serious problem loomed large, “BRING me third!!!!!!!”
Sisters are so inefficient!!!!! Grrr……[]
P.S.- At least now I can rest easy that I completed something from my summer wish list as other plans blew out even before they started. So long JAVAscript, AJAX and C#.
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Tushar Sharma
Bonjour brother..nw u r a believer..u've finally crossed over..the wizarding fraternity welcomes u aboard..
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