
She was excited to see the front gate of her future destination. She has been craving for some change from her mundane job and the associated lifestyle for some time now. Although pursuing a master’s in technology was not her primary idea of a discourse but for now it will have to do. On first sight the campus seemed wonderful. It maintained a perfect sync between the urban chaos it was part of and the tranquil natural abode it aspired to be. She loved the very sight of it.

The happiness she felt upon her arrival was slightly curtailed when she got a glimpse of her room, or rather when she got a feel of her room. It felt a bit chilly when compared to the bright and sunny weather outside. This slight unexplained difference, though barely noticeable, was quite unnerving to her. She ignored it and got busy adjusting her huge consignment of baggage in the small confined room.  It took another half an hour of herculean effort to haul her stuff from the ground floor.  For the next few hours she arranged and rearranged her new living quarters in all the creative ways she could think of and finally rested on her bed, triumphantly. She was instantly off to a sound satisfying sleep barely remembering the uneasiness she noticed upon her entrance into the room. The night was even chillier than the day but she was yet to notice it.

She woke up at around 3:00 in the night. 

Despite being a heavy sleeper and being dead tired she was still not able to sleep with the strange wooshing sound made by the turbulent wind. The lights were out in room and the slit of light coming from her door was the only source of it. She got up and tried to search for the light switch by groping around the room. She was still new to the layout of the room and so she bumped into something on the floor, losing her footing. She landed straight in front of the window. In the painful agony she blurted out a mouthful of expletives and tried to get up. The eerie feeling which she had in the morning intensified. Her curtains were fluttering uncontrollably, which was odd since she distinctively remembered shutting her window. She cautiously approached the window trying to shut it down.  Suddenly the drapes were pushed far back by a strong gust of wind and she screamed at the top of her voice before she fainted.

For the next hour she was describing what she felt on the tree outside her window, still trembling from the experience. Every time she told the story she could feel people doubting her, strangely she was unsure of it herself too. She was not sure whether it was a figment of her tired imagination or something real.  She could have sworn that the disturbance of the leaves was not normal; she felt something leap at her, though she had no idea what. The only silver lining of it all was that she made a new friend. They chatted deep into the night and barely slept. She was relieved that someone found her story slightly believable rather than giving that terrible judgmental look. But she still was not sure what she felt but thinking about it gave her an inexplicable feeling of fear.


looking forward to the next part

