Note: I first thought of the title “A Rare Sunrise”, but since irony seems to be the flavor of the season for me, so finally settled at this one. My tribute to the events around me.
The high stakes, hectic, ever interesting (???) colorful college life ( got the point , IRONY) has given me a lot of things to cheer about: those buffoon friends, some decent additions to the “OH SHE IS GOOD!!” list , a killer forehand(not exactly killer, but will do) and to balance the scale, tipped in my favor, it took a lot away too. Now that list is a confidential one.
Just today I witnessed an entirely unheard of thing, at least for me and safely speaking for a lot of us, The Sunrise. The reason for change was of course tennis but those sun rays got something inside me ticking.
When was the last time I watched a sunrise???
Hmmm… it definitely wasn’t in September (for it was time to reconcile with good old net), August?? Tough chance as most was spent at college, July?? Yep that must be it.
In fact if I remember it right it was on 13th july when I woke up early to catch a Delhi bound train for the premiere of HP-5.
That is a loooong time by any standards possible.
And god it was so beautiful, so different. The shades of orange slowly turning into red, the silence mixed with the chirping, the calm, no whirring laptops. Just that heavenly feeling of being soaked with something divine something serene something so out of this world. The beauty of simplicity, of nature and a lucky break from that ever demanding hustle bustle.
Strange!!!! How something so ubiquitous became so exclusive?? How things that were naturally embedded in our lives become so out of place????
It is part of the growing up dilemma I guess. At the opening stages of our life it was “early to bed: early to rise” , another way to look at it is: we have less of dark in our usual day. But we grew up and keep increasing the percentage of the nocturnal activities. Thus becoming more and more distant from the sunrise, letting the darkness fill the void. Call me a cynic/skeptic/pessimist but that definitely IS the case.
Aren’t we all just a pale shade of white we once were??? Not all black , but grey, with the shade intensifying day by day.
Again consider the IRONY( it really is the flavor of the season) such things are coming from a self confessed nocturnal creature , the raat ke 12 baje din nikalta hai type( Courtesy:Raghav).
But I can do with a decent amount of sunrise. Twice a week sounds good. Anymore can make it commonplace again chiseling off the charm effect, again pushing it into the mundane.
P.S.- Comments???? anyone?????
Posted by
Tushar Sharma
honestly impressive...dat description of sunrise was touching..quite heartwarming..waise i feasted da sight of sunrise just da last nt dat big a
it was really very impressive..our true still waiting for my that rare sunrise from dont know how long time......
a gud one...the description was simply superb...agreed that the shade of grey is being intensified with each passing day...but thats life...can't do much about it.
@ mouli
u missed the idea of life then i think.
its more about just the opposite. think a lil more u will agree too..
tushar as poignant as ever...cant remember the last time
i saw a was ages ago i suppose.but man dis post of urs
has got me thinkin on lots of things..twice a week is not a bad idea at all..
just need to rework my routine..wat say u????????
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