
My beloved companion ,albeit for a few days, Now you are gone and left me with this immense vacuum which i find impossible to fill. The time with you was a wonderful experience. Each picture that you clicked, each note of music that you dished out is etched in my memory.You are terribly missed and will remain with me forever and ever. [sobs]

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He is Dead.
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

-W.H. Auden

P.S.- May the person who separated me from you rot in hell!!!! [More Sobs]


Note 1: Don’t blame me for choosing such an obscure topic; it is an unwritten rule of the blogosphere, for the active bloggers, to have a blog on LOVE. And I have to comply with the rules written or otherwise.

Note 2: It is always tough to write on something without having a first hand experience. And that problem becomes even more intricate when the issue at hand is as complicated and as mysterious as LOVE. But I, being a self declared virtuoso at the game of TRYING, will try.

Contrary to what Bob Dylan sang in 1970s, Love is NOT JUST A FOUR LETTER WORD. It is much more, much-much more. For example: it is a thesis topic for many researchers, the bread and butter for lyricist and poets, a favorite topic to speculate on for the writers, the backbone of existence for our good old BOLLYWOOD (Take LOVE out and the industry falls like nine pins) and fortunately, unfortunately or matter of factly it is the reason for existence of ours.

For starters, it is an established fact that LOVE is a very subjective thing. The definition changes from person to person. Some like to borrow the classic definition, some are very content with the new millennium version of it and there is also another breed who redefines individuality when it comes to love. But most of them will agree that “It is not something which can be universally defined”. In fact it is not something which can be DEFINED AT ALL.

During the initial course of life itself we pick up a general idea of love: from the formative years, from the learning experience, from those songs, from all those pseudo love encounters and most importantly from those movies. All of which leads us to a vague, eccentric idea of love which may or may not be a lot of things but it is a reflection of ours for sure. And then we stick to that idea for the rest of our life. Mostly.

Once there used to be a small column in The Times of India which used to (or more aptly, tried to) decipher love and the various aspects of it. Every day they used to have this picture of a guy and a girl with the heading “Love is” and the lines below it changed everyday. And I don’t think I ever witnessed a repeat of any line ever. That is from where I borrow my idea of love. To me it is about the tiny little things which otherwise are so inconsequential that we don’t even blink an eye for them. But put them all together and voila! you have a necessary evil at hand. NECESSARY because even the most cynic of people around (no raised eyebrows please!!) are probably searching for it and EVIL because…come on I don’t have to give reasons for that. Do I?????

Love is not a fitting thing for crude prose, it is much like poetry; graceful, soulful and flowing. It is something which makes you transcend the barriers of sanity, something which urges you to shed your pragmatic self, which gives you the power to make a fool out of yourself again and again and again.
It is about stolen glimpses, senseless smiles, unexplained tears, the plethora of fears… it is the trap everyone wants to fall for, it is the feeling everyone wants to be ensconced in. The encryption everyone is trying to decrypt. (With due respect from the geek in me)
One of those elusive MUST HAVEs of life, the paucity of which can lead to serious complications and the excess of which can give you a serious HIGH. One of those rare journeys where you enjoy both the “Traveling” part and the “Arriving” part.
Some people also term it as the most dangerous of things around. People have been wrecked hollow because of it. Lives lost or worse still lives made not worth living. But I think that it is about the misinterpretation of the whole thing. It may sound very theoretical but the idea of GETTING everything you love makes it a hollow concept, a boring story.
Someone said, “Only white brush strokes on the canvass never make a masterpiece.” (It is an original one!)
*Best illustrated in the Keira knightly- story of Love Actually.

Among other thing love is; it sure is something very tough to write about with the conclusion part being the toughest. So I will conclude with some nice quotes from my sister’s quote collection.

Love as told by the seers of old.
comes as a butterfly tipped with gold.
flutters and flies in sunlit skies.
weaving round hearts that were one time cold.

Just to have you near me
brings me happiness each day,
just to know I have your love
means more than words can say,
Just to know you’re happy,
Makes me happy too,
and always just to have you,
will make all my dreams come true.

Love cannot be forced, love cannot be coaxed and teased. It comes out of heaven, unasked and unsought.

Love is all in fire, and yet is ever freezing;
Love is much in winning, yet is more in leesing [sic];
Love is ever sick, and yet is never dying;
Love is ever true, and yet is ever lying;
Love does doat in liking, and is mad in loathing;
Love indeed is anything, yet indeed is nothing.


P.S.- That was pretty decent from an outsider’s perspective, I guess. Will revise it the very moment I become fitting enough. [:-)]
Conspiracy theories about the timing won’t be entertained.


Note: I first thought of the title “A Rare Sunrise”, but since irony seems to be the flavor of the season for me, so finally settled at this one. My tribute to the events around me.

The high stakes, hectic, ever interesting (???) colorful college life ( got the point , IRONY) has given me a lot of things to cheer about: those buffoon friends, some decent additions to the “OH SHE IS GOOD!!” list , a killer forehand(not exactly killer, but will do) and to balance the scale, tipped in my favor, it took a lot away too. Now that list is a confidential one.
Just today I witnessed an entirely unheard of thing, at least for me and safely speaking for a lot of us, The Sunrise. The reason for change was of course tennis but those sun rays got something inside me ticking.
When was the last time I watched a sunrise???
Hmmm… it definitely wasn’t in September (for it was time to reconcile with good old net), August?? Tough chance as most was spent at college, July?? Yep that must be it.
In fact if I remember it right it was on 13th july when I woke up early to catch a Delhi bound train for the premiere of HP-5.
That is a loooong time by any standards possible.
And god it was so beautiful, so different. The shades of orange slowly turning into red, the silence mixed with the chirping, the calm, no whirring laptops. Just that heavenly feeling of being soaked with something divine something serene something so out of this world. The beauty of simplicity, of nature and a lucky break from that ever demanding hustle bustle.
Strange!!!! How something so ubiquitous became so exclusive?? How things that were naturally embedded in our lives become so out of place????
It is part of the growing up dilemma I guess. At the opening stages of our life it was “early to bed: early to rise” , another way to look at it is: we have less of dark in our usual day. But we grew up and keep increasing the percentage of the nocturnal activities. Thus becoming more and more distant from the sunrise, letting the darkness fill the void. Call me a cynic/skeptic/pessimist but that definitely IS the case.
Aren’t we all just a pale shade of white we once were??? Not all black , but grey, with the shade intensifying day by day.
Again consider the IRONY( it really is the flavor of the season) such things are coming from a self confessed nocturnal creature , the raat ke 12 baje din nikalta hai type( Courtesy:Raghav).
But I can do with a decent amount of sunrise. Twice a week sounds good. Anymore can make it commonplace again chiseling off the charm effect, again pushing it into the mundane.
P.S.- Comments???? anyone?????

