
It have been a long time since i wished to have a personal place of my own to get it all out in a public place. Thanks to this wonderful invention of the net i now have that place of mine so here i go , blurting it all out.

Well the single aim of this blog is to get myself in the time when i used to be a litle kid , when i used to think innocently (i think i still do that but people don't agree) . The whole purpose of all this can be argued but i believe in the power of memories good or othewise. So I get started with my story , boring it may be but have patience slowly things will unfold.

My life started from the sleepy town of Mathura , birth place of lord krishna , but its the only thing that goes in its favor. The initial days are always the best , i think that everyone will agree with that, and i'm no exception. Those were the best days till now. The careless life , the no strings attached attitude , the I am the king sort of things and a lot like that.
Those days are surely itched into my memory . Really liked those games with my friends on the terrace , stealing money to get marbles , those strolls in the morning with Nanaji , bullying poor kids (sometimes).
But times sure have a way of changing and thats more true for good times . Ever wonder why the clock ticks at double the speed when you are having the best of time??
So the winds of time swept my childhood under the rug and there i was wondering what happened???
What happened??? No one knows that but suddenly a lot of things changed.
Hmm thats too much for the first one.

P.S.- I don' t think that many people apart from my near and dear ones will see the blog but if someone does then do leave a comment.



We all have days where we mourn the loss of our childhood but its always better to make the best of what one has in the present rather than looking back n pining. we all go through what we describe as 'hell' at some point in our lives but when we look at the less fortunate you know you have a lot to be thankful for

naah not lonely at all.. but it rings true for everyone. i heard it somewhere n wrote it down

nice post ...
a friendly advice...try to live in da present..days of mourning r long gone past!!!

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