
Although I am very much against posting anything unoriginal in a blog but I wanted to share the lyrics of this song, quite easy to relate to them for all of us. Also try to watch 'Ghost Town' nice movie.

Little airplane in the sky
You point up at it
I watch your face as you watch it go by
Everything is perfect

Where would I be right now
If all my dreams had come true
Deep down I know somehow
I'd have never seen your face
This world would be a different place
Darling, there's no way to know
Which way your heart will go

Summer sun on a sandy slide
Silver swingsets shining
How can life feel so alive
And still feel like dying

Where would I be right now
If all my dreams had come true
Deep down I know somehow
I'd have never seen your face
This world would be a different place
Darling, there's no way to know
Which way your heart will go

A stack of books beside our bed
Living out of boxes
Why does the empty space fill with dread
Why does change still shock us

Where would we be right now
If all our dreams had come true
Deep down I know somehow
I'd have never seen your face
This world would be a different place
Darling, there's no way to know
Which way your heart will go

-Mason Jennings


The Canadian seems to infuse in me such a blatant disregard for my schedules and deadlines. So here it is late again!!!
First of all damn you all!!! You have made it impossible to cherish life even in this heaven like abode. Too often I would find myself wrestling with the idea of shunning it altogether and head back. Back to those torn down hostel rooms where life was so damn uncomplicated, where the only target was to trickle from one place to another without the rush and especially where each turn gave a thousand reasons to giggle, go out rolling on the floor.
As they say don’t get too happy and too clingy for it may end, and it did. Few escape this tap dance called life and we mere mortals were no exception, the excuse “I’m a miserable dancer” doesn’t works at all. And now no matter how much I flip through those loads of pictures of those smiling faces and how hard I may try to ransack the memory closet for something to ease away with the melancholy feelings, but nothing seems to work.
Maybe someday I will be able to explain how it was not a narcissistic pursuit of seemingly impossible dreams which made me choose this all, maybe I would be able to reason some years from now but for now LET IT COME!!!
P.S.- I hope now that the silence is broken I think I will cackle a bit more frequently. Keep checking.

